
IMG_6121I am a historical archaeologist who studies race, materiality, and consumer culture in the last half-millennium.  This includes research on the intersection of urban renewal and the color line; contemporary material culture and dark heritage; and race and consumer culture.  I am a Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI); Docent in Historical Archaeology at the University of Oulu (Finland); Past-President of the Society for Historical Archaeology (2012-2013); and a former Fulbright Scholar at the University of Oulu.  I’m the author most recently of Revolting Things: An Archaeology of Shameful Histories and Repulsive Realities (January 2021), which expands many of the essays on dark history and materiality from this blog. I am also the author of Race and Affluence: An Archaeology of African America and Consumer Culture, Glazed America: A History of the Doughnut, and The Archaeology of Consumer Culture (see my academia.edu page for a selection of papers).  With my colleague Susan Hyatt, I was Charles R. Bantz Chancellor’s Community Fellow in 2016-2017 on the project Invisible Indianapolis: Race, Heritage, and Community Memory in the Circle City. I’m also a professional cycling geek; a Doctor Who nerd; and I wear a lot of paisley.

All of the opinions on the blog are mine alone and not the sentiments of IUPUI or the University of Oulu.

  1. Domingas Monte

    Muito bem, bom trabalho.

  2. Amazing blog. I never new Paula Deen could be the subject of such an interesting academic piece.

  3. Hi, Paul,

    I found you on About.Me and thought I would write to say “hi” here. I am “sort of” a Dr. Who nerd, but I only like David Tennant. 🙂 Paisley’s pretty cool, too. 😉

    Hope this finds you well.

  4. This is awesome. I’ve read three pieces so far. I enjoyed the shoe store piece and American Apparel is consistently irksome. I enjoyed very much your appreciation — and articulation — of the contradictions and irony. I look forward to reading more!

  5. Paul, thanks so much for following the blog. I am so pleased to have you interested in the suitcases project. Best, Jon

  6. Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award. Feel free not to respond, but just wanted to let you know that I have enjoyed reading your posts. You can find the nomination here http://comparativegeeks.wordpress.com/2014/03/29/versatile-blogger-award/

  7. Your blog is very interesting and informative. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with the world.

  8. I came across your blog in my reader and I am so happy I found you. I’m really looking forward to reading your work.

  9. Just stumbled upon your blog and enjoyed several of your well-researched topics. Your post on cremains as it pertains to a sense of place caught my eye. I am an artist working with material culture as it washes up at the Falls of the Ohio State Park in Clarksville, Indiana.

  10. Love your blog. I’m looking forward to reading more of your smart posts.

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